Breaking Down the ‘Top 10 Medical Wearables of 2016’
Posted on December 22, 2016 by Derek RudnakWhat Does This List Tell Us About the Present and Future for Medical Weara-bles, Medical IoT and mHealth? The end of every calendar year brings a flurry of “Top Things of the Year” lists, and 2016 is no excep-tion. However, one difference 2016 is different than other years is that wireless medical devices (which […]
A Call for ‘Medical Internet of Things’ Data Standardization?
Posted on December 7, 2016 by Derek RudnakMedical IoT’s Rapid Growth is Accelerating Challenges Such as Data Standardization “Ushering in the Internet of Medical Devices” is a recent DZone blog that concisely explained “how connected devices are changing the world of healthcare,” which should not be of any particular surprise to anybody in the medical device design and development space. After […]