New “Athena” Wireless Medical Device Mannequin Wows Crowd
Events like OCTANe 2016 Medical Device & Investor Forum are always fun to attend, especially as a exhibitor—and this year was no exception!
The annual conference is a hotbed of education and networking for Orange County medical device innovators and investors—which, for us, as an Orange County medical device design and manufacturing company, is a special opportunity to mingle with the community at our exhibition booth.
It’s also a prime time and location for us to unveil new and exciting exhibits—and this year was also no exception! Last year, we introduced our wireless medical device electronic systems platform display.—which, if you haven’t yet seen it, is quite a sight!
Featuring a full-size translucent male-form mannequin that we call “Apollo,” on a custom-designed examination table, the display demonstrates our state-of-the-art Apollo™ wireless medical device electronic systems platform.
This year, we unveiled “Athena,” a full-size translucent female-form mannequin that stands upright by Apollo’s exam table. Together, they help demonstrate how multiple complementary technologies such as touchscreens, sensors, RFID, wireless charging, digital signal processing and IO devices (e.g., USB) can be seamlessly integrated.
Thanks to Apollo and Athena, we had more visitors than ever! Approximately 200 guests dropped by to meet them and to engage in conversations about IoT medical device applications and innovation.
However, as intriguing as the mannequins look, it’s the Apollo platform to which they are connected that truly exciting people. We greatly enjoyed talking to them about it provides solutions to numerous medical industry needs, including rapid development time, longevity in product lifecycle, RTOS certified for safety critical applications and robust processing capability.
If you’d like to learn more about the Apollo platform and how DeviceLab can bring your IoT medical device from concept to commercialization, please contact us.