Medical Devices Banner

A Wide Variety Of Expertise

DeviceLab employs designers, engineers, and technicians who possess talents in a broad range of disciplines needed for developing medical devices.

This means that whatever technologies are employed in your device, we know how to develop the mechanisms, controls, interfaces, and safety features it will need to incorporate, and how to integrate all these parts into a safe and effective device. Follow the links to the right to see more about the design, engineering, and other services we provide.


Resources That Make It Happen

DeviceLab’s team is more than a group of people that design circuit boards or enclosures or write code – we design full systems from disposables to capital equipment. We are also experts in the things that separate medical from consumer products, like design documentation, verification, and validation testing, and risk management. A DeviceLab design will include everything you need to get your product approved and reliably manufactured.

Our Partners And Vendors

Over 20 years, DeviceLab has developed a network of approved vendors, suppliers, and consultants that we use as needed to realize your goals. We can bring in scientists in fields such as optics, chemistry, or signal processing, engineers with deep expertise in specific medical specialties, and reliable vendors for molded parts, printed circuit boards, precision machining, etc. We also have strategic partnerships with Texas Instruments, LabView, and Microchip’s 32-Bit MPU Design Partner Program we can leverage to speed product development.


Adaptable To Your Needs

DeviceLab has everything you need to develop your product from start to finish, but we often work with companies who have their own technical strengths or wish to hold certain technologies closely.

Sometimes it’s just a design study or a prototype that you need. We can provide services that fit the gaps in your staff or integrate the technology you invented into functional and compliant products.

All Services We Offer

    • Medical Device Industrial Design

      Industrial Design Device

      We perform research, User Studies, conceptual and detailed design, and Human Factors Engineering to assure proper use. Our designers provide renderings, animations, mockups and models of physical and software user interfaces (UI/UX). Read More

    • Mechanical Engineering

      Mechanical Engineering Logo

      We provide mechanism, enclosure, packaging, disposable components, and system engineering to assure reliable function. Our engineers are fluent in plastic, sheet metal, castings, weldments, and Additive Manufacturing. Read More

    • Electronic & System Engineering

      System Engineering Chip

      We design medical electronic systems from the chip (FPGA) to the PCBA to the full wireless- connected system. We do analog measurements, machine vision, motion control, microprocessors, wireless and safety compliance testing. Read More

    • Software Engineering

      Software Engineering Chart

      We write software for measurement, control, and communications on a variety of platforms. Our strengths include Real-Time operating systems, algorithm development, data mining, and Machine Learning. Read More

    • Medical Device UX Design: User Interface and User Experience Design Services

      Ui Ux Development Tablet

      We develop user interfaces, both physical and digital, for leading- edge medical devices. We work to assure intuitive and correct operation for interfaces from a few discrete controls to large displays and VR. Read More

    • Other Engineering Specialties

      People At Desk

      DeviceLab staff has experience in other engineering specialties such as Test Equipment and Fixture development, LabVIEW, Tolerance Analysis, Robotics, Automation, MATLAB, COMSOL.
      Project Rescue: we are available to remediate project hang-ups due to lack of compliant to ISO and IEC standards requirements, mostly project failing EMC/RFI and Electrical Testing. Read More

    • Medical Device Prototyping & Pilot Production

      Man Prototyping

      Prototyping is a key part of medical device development, whether it’s the shape of a handpiece, the size of a pump or the organization of a readout screen. We make prototypes often during develop- ment and provide Pilot Production services for testing and marketing purposes. Read More

    • FPGA Prototyping, Design & Development Services

      Fpga Test Banner 1

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