Tag Archives: wireless medical device cybersecurity

Top 3 Medical Device Design and Development News and Blogs of the Week: March 5, 2017

Orange County medical device design & development company DeviceLab shares top news and blogs the week ending 3/5/2017.

DeviceLab is keenly interested in diverse aspects that relate to medical device design and development—in particular, mHealth and healthcare IoT.


When we find information particularly exceptional or interesting, we often share it on our @devicelab Twitter feed (which we encourage you to follow). This is a weekly post that shares the best medical device design and development information that we found from the previous week.


1. Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Internet of Things Technologies for 2017 and 2018

Each of the 10 IoT technologies merit their inclusion on the list, however, there were some recognizable patterns to what made the list. Arguably, those 10 IoT technologies could be put into four categories (with plenty of cross-category fluidity for several of them), which is interesting it illustrates how IoT is a system of discrete technologies.

  • Hardware
    • IoT Processors
  • Software
    • IoT Operating Systems
  • Networks
    • IoT Security
    • Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks
    • Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks
  • Platforms
    • IoT Analytics
    • IoT Device (Thing Management)
    • Event Stream Processing
    • IoT Platforms
    • IoT Standards and Ecosystems

If you further consider the list/categories in terms of medical IoT and mHealth devices, it’s not difficult to appreciate how their design and development will rely upon companies that have proven experience in each—especially with platforms like our Apollo™ wireless medical device platform. Draw your own conclusions about how well we feel we meet these criteria!


2. IoT Sensors Critical to Successful Health IT Infrastructure

This is noteworthy because if the previous “Top 10 Internet of Things Technologies” article had been written with a more narrow focus on medical and healthcare IoT, it would have likely included IoT sensors on the list, and for good reason! After all, as this article points out, the healthcare IoT market is projected to growth 26 percent by 2022, much of which will be driven by technologies that use IoT sensors.


3. Which Low Power IoT Network protocol will prevail? Bluetooth, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, or SigFox

Similarly, this is noteworthy because the “Top 10 Internet of Things Technologies” did address low-power IoT networking—twice! What also makes this is interesting is the “comments” section creates almost as many answers and it does questions.



DeviceLab’s ideal balance of proven experience and cutting-edge ideas for medical device development includes mHealth/wireless medical device design services and medical software development. Contact us to learn how we can advance your medical IoT device from concept to commercialization!

Biting Into IoT Medical Device Cybersecurity

An Examination of Wireless Medical Device Cybersecurity Issues Following the October 2016 Internet Outage

If you weren’t affected by what some are calling “the Internet apocalypse”, then you almost certainly heard about the massive distribution denial of services (DDoS) attack earlier this month that has made the topic of cybersecurity one that is more than just a threat to be discussed by U.S. Presidential candidates.


Likewise, if you’ve been following our blog, you’ve also likely heard us talking about cybersecurity as it relates to wireless medical devices—most recently in Wireless Medical Device Cybersecurity: FDA Draft Guidelines.


If there is one “benefit,” for lack of a better word, for the recent DDoS attack is that it is thrusting IoT medical device cybersecurity into the mainstream discourse. Unfortunately, it might also be unfairly lumping all IoT manufacturers together—which might not be entirely fair to IoT medical device companies.


For instance, NBC News recently published an online article, Internet of Things: Have We Bitten Off More Than We Can Chew? in which it addressed some very interesting points about IoT—both in general and specifically in regards to wireless medical devices.


IoT: Getting Too Big Too Fast?


The article said there are approximately 6.4 billion IoT devices currently in use, with estimates for the figure to reach 20.8 billion by 2020. This should come as no surprise to anybody that is engaged in wireless medical devices.


The article next explained that the DDoS attack was in part due to IoT device vulnerabilities that enabled “harmless Web-connected home devices” to function as “cyber soldiers in a ‘botnet’—a network of ‘bots.’” Further, it explained how IoT security has “by far the most spectacular vulnerabilities.” For instance, the relative ease in hacking an electronic wheelchair has been demonstrated by hackers that work with manufacturer security teams to identify security flaws.


With IoT device being so capable—and vulnerable—for maligned activities, the need for improved security is evident. However, the article indicated that it not a priority for manufacturers because “it’s an economic disincentive” to invest additional time and money into an IoT device because they want to “rush it out to market to sure they land the first punch.”


Are IoT Medical Device Manufacturers More Proactive About Cybersecurity?


Perhaps for consumer IoT, the “rush it to market” sentiment is true, however, it’s perhaps not as true—and per-haps a bit insulting—to IoT medical device design and development companies. And this precisely one of the reasons why we discuss matters such as what we covered in Wireless Medical Device Cybersecurity: FDA Draft Guidelines.


As we wrote in that blog, “Wireless medical device data takes the level of personal information to an entirely new level.” In short, IoT medical device designers, developers and manufacturers are keenly aware of the risks involved with IoT cybersecurity—risks that don’t just result in “an inconvenience for everyone” (as the NBC article said), but instead, the health and privacy of IoT medical device users.


There’s no doubt that cybersecurity—no matter the user or market—is an important issue and one that will never have a perfect solution. But hopefully all IoT manufacturers can learn not just from flaws that are sometimes brought to light in unpleasant ways—such as with the DDoS attack—but all can embrace the challenges (and risks) that we can definitely say that IoT medical device manufacturers have embraced.

Hundreds Saw DeviceLab’s Wirleless Medical Device Demo at MDIF 2016 Booth

Orange County wireless medical device design and manufacturing company DeviceLab was an exhibitor at the OCTANe 2016 Medical Device & Investor Forum.

New “Athena” Wireless Medical Device Mannequin Wows Crowd


Events like OCTANe 2016 Medical Device & Investor Forum are always fun to attend, especially as a exhibitor—and this year was no exception!



The annual conference is a hotbed of education and networking for Orange County medical device innovators and investors—which, for us, as an Orange County medical device design and manufacturing company, is a special opportunity to mingle with the community at our exhibition booth.



It’s also a prime time and location for us to unveil new and exciting exhibits—and this year was also no exception! Last year, we introduced our wireless medical device electronic systems platform display.—which, if you haven’t yet seen it, is quite a sight!



Featuring a full-size translucent male-form mannequin that we call “Apollo,” on a custom-designed examination table, the display demonstrates our state-of-the-art Apollo™ wireless medical device electronic systems platform.
This year, we unveiled “Athena,” a full-size translucent female-form mannequin that stands upright by Apollo’s exam table. Together, they help demonstrate how multiple complementary technologies such as touchscreens, sensors, RFID, wireless charging, digital signal processing and IO devices (e.g., USB) can be seamlessly integrated.
Thanks to Apollo and Athena, we had more visitors than ever! Approximately 200 guests dropped by to meet them and to engage in conversations about IoT medical device applications and innovation.



However, as intriguing as the mannequins look, it’s the Apollo platform to which they are connected that truly exciting people. We greatly enjoyed talking to them about it provides solutions to numerous medical industry needs, including rapid development time, longevity in product lifecycle, RTOS certified for safety critical applications and robust processing capability.


If you’d like to learn more about the Apollo platform and how DeviceLab can bring your IoT medical device from concept to commercialization, please contact us.