Tag Archives: types of wearable devices

Medical Alert Smartwatch

Man sleeping with medical alert smartwatch wearable technology because he has heart problems and it needs to be monitored

Smartwatches have been a breakthrough device and taught the medical device industry about how to gain patient adherence. Historically, wearable medical devices have not been fashionable or comfortable for patients to wear in public or use in public spaces. Smartwatches changed the wearable medical device space because these products are not explicitly medical devices; they offer a suite of benefits, are compact, and look trendy. People wear smartwatches to count steps, to perform electrocardiograms (EKGs), and as a fashionable accessory.

Smartwatches are also being used as medical alert systems for older adults and people with disabilities. In the past, users of medical alert systems have felt shame and stigmatized for wearing medical alert systems. Historically medical alert systems have been bulky equipment with noticeably large buttons. As smartwatches become popular among people of all age groups and of various needs, innovators and engineers are developing medical alert systems that either look like a smartwatch or are designed into a smartwatch.

Stand Alone Medical Alert Systems 

Some Medical Alert Systems manufacturers have been able to redesign their alert systems to mimic the design of smartwatches. These watches typically include all of the standard features of an alert system with the ability to call for help easily, a mic to speak to a first responder, a speaker to hear a first responder, and sometimes, a fall detection. These stand-alone medical alert systems may have some basic features of a smartwatch like a steps tracker, clock, or sync with a smartphone. Stand Alone Medical Alert Systems are useful to those who really want a simpler, easier to use a product that doesn’t feel complicated. Manufacturers interested in a stand-alone medical alert system would want to consider making these products as discreet as possible and offering a smaller amount of additional features.

Smartwatches with Medical Alert Systems

Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy are two of the most popular smartwatches on the market. These watches are what typically come to mind when discussing smartwatches. As part of the early releases for smartwatches, manufacturers designed apps and features for medical alert systems within the watch. Apple Watch was the first product to release a fall detection feature. Smartwatch manufacturers continuously innovate these products to allow for advanced fitness tracking, messaging, calls, and cameras. These watches sync up easily with phones and other technology. But because of the amount of features, these products can be difficult for those who are not familiar with the technology. The large offer of applications may make it difficult for users who need the medical alert systems but are struggling to navigate the other applications. 

Because of the ability to build applications without developing hardware (i.e., the watch), some manufacturers may prefer to develop medical alert applications for a smartwatch. This allows manufacturers an easier entrance to the market because only developing the applications is less costly and less time-consuming.


No matter which type of medical alert system you are looking to develop, DeviceLab has software and design experts who are ready to help you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

Types of Wearable Medical Devices for Patient Monitoring

smart watch linked to wifi, home, and hospital to show doctors what the persons health is through a wearable

Wearable medical devices have been among the latest advancements in health technologies, primarily marketed by some of the most prominent Silicon Valley tech companies. While Apple watches and Fitbits might come to mind when we think about wearable medical devices, the reality is that there are many types. A wearable medical device is any non-invasive device that has the ability to collect, transmit, and visualize patient health data. 

What Are the Benefits of Wearable Medical Devices?

Collectively, wearable medical devices offer health practitioners and patients a better way to monitor health data through remote patient monitoring systems continuously. Remote patient monitoring refers to a practitioner’s ability to review patient data without keeping the patient in a clinical setting. Patients have the freedom to collect data without being in a hospital or doctor’s office and at meaningful times. 

Being able to collect data at the right time is valuable for patients who experience sudden changes such as unpredictable and irregular heart rates. If a physician thinks their patient may be experiencing irregular heart rates, they can use a smartwatch with an EKG to allow the patient the freedom to go about their day and take accurate measurements of their heart rate using the EKG feature. 

Traditionally doctors may have to schedule multiple clinic EKGs or patients making unnecessary trips to the ER to get an accurate diagnosis. Healthcare has seen faster diagnosis, personalized treatment, and reduced hospital resources because of wearable medical devices.

How Are Wearable Medical Devices Used in Practice?

Wearable #1 – Smartwatches

Smartwatches are the most common type of wearable medical device because of the rapid advancements. The original smartwatches were not wearable medical devices, but smartwatches now monitor steps taken, calories burned, oxygen levels and EKG reports with technological advancements. These watches provide visualizations of this data in easy-to-read formats to help consumers understand and improve their health.

Wearable #2 -Advanced Care & Alert Portable Telemedical Monitor (AMON)

Advanced Care & Alert Portable Telemedical Monitoring is a wearable medical device that is commonly found in doctor’s offices. A nurse will collect vital data like pulse and oxygen levels quickly from this device. Another type of AMON is used during surgeries and post-surgery to monitor vitals continually and provide real-time updates and alert clinician staff of any changes. Over the last several years, AMON technology has continued to advance to collect data more accurately and provide clinicians with more meaningful data to ensure better outcomes. 

Wearable #3 – Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

Continuous glucose monitoring refers to a significant advancement in diabetes care. Traditionally, diabetic patients monitor their glucose levels in relation to mealtimes by using a blood litmus test. However, sudden drops or spikes in glucose can be perilous for these patients. The causes for a change in blood glucose levels can vary from patient to patient. 

CGM technology is a wearable sensor that monitors glucose levels throughout the day without any intervention required by the patient. Any spikes or dips result in a smartphone notification. This allows diabetic patients to intervene sooner, resulting in better outcomes.

DeviceLab & Wearable Medical Devices

There are many types of wearables, and DeviceLab is here to help support your product development and creation. Wherever you are developing a wearable medical device, DeviceLab is here to support your product development and launch. Schedule a free, confidential consultation today.